A Wake-Up Call | Children & Family

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A Wake-Up Call

8 Sept 2018 War Cry Promo image
Posted September 8, 2018

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We have a lot to celebrate in this issue! To commemorate Māori Language Week, we are introducing our Te Reo masthead for the first time: Te Whakaara means a wake-up call, which I think is a brilliant translation of War Cry. It urges us to be spiritually alert, and ready for what God is doing in this day. It’s time to wake up!

It is also a significant moment for our nation, as we celebrate 125 years of women’s suffrage. When I was 11, I read a book on the UK ‘suffragettes’. I was not brought up a feminist. In fact, I was brought up in a church where women were forbidden to speak, let alone lead. But I was captivated. My favourite character was Emmeline Pankhurst, who braved jail and hunger strikes, and chained herself to fences. I kid you not, I used to pretend to be her, like my brothers pretended to be GI Joes. Perhaps God was preparing me for my future calling—because imagine my excitement when I recently discovered that Emmeline was friends with Catherine Booth, and they worked together to further the cause of women. The suffragists were, and still are, heroes of the faith.

Finally, this week I am celebrating going on holiday with my family! I would like to take the opportunity to honour the wonderful, creative team who are taking on extra tasks, just so we can have fun in the sun. I am thankful for each of you.

Ingrid Barratt

Bible verse

Ephesians 2:14
For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.

Epeha 2:14
Ko ia hoki tō tātou maunga rongo, nāna i mea ngā mea e rua kia kotahi, whakahoroa iho e ia te pātu e ārai ana i waenga.