Why? | Children & Family

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Why is the Junior Soldiers programme important?

  • Junior Soldiers is a really important part of a young person’s discipleship journey. It is a programme that does not just rely on the ‘programme/lesson’ format; it is structured in a way that takes a holistic approach to the faith formation of a child.
  • Junior Soldiers includes the key relationships that will have an impact on a young person’s faith development (e.g. parents, significant adults within the faith community) and works through key spiritual disciplines within the passport material.
  • It helps to engage children in the life and service of the corps, e.g. making a difference in local and global projects and serving within the church etc.
  • The programme is important to help build intentional rhythms and relationships in the life of a child during primary school years that will help them explore and wrestle with what it means to be a follower of Jesus and develop a faith that sticks.

Why is a spiritual mentor important to a Junior Soldier?

  • It’s imperative for every child (whether a Junior Soldier or not) to have a number of key supportive adult voices in their lives; adult voices that are going to encourage, guide, support and show examples of what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
  • Why is it important for all children to be involved in an agreed project?
  • Working together on an agreed project helps the Junior Soldiers, regardless of their age, to gain some great skills around working in groups:
  • working with others, discussing projects and decision making (team work)
  • working towards a common outcome
  • working with children of other ages
  • working together as members of the body of Christ (great learning for future group work within the church)
  • an opportunity for intergenerational projects across different groups within the church.

Why are there only 12 units?

  • The lessons that are provided cover the key topics a child needs at this particular time of faith development.
  • It is also important for young people (and also for some of us that are not so young) to have repetition to help reinforce the key areas regarding their faith development.
  • Young people will benefit from repeating the lessons at a different stage in their intellectual, emotional and spiritual development.